Graduation Requirements
Michigan Merit Curriculum
Personal Curriculum
Testing Out
Testing out of a class can provide a student the opportunity to move into advanced classes, including dual enrollment, at a quicker pace. A student may opt to test out at the time designated by the district PRIOR to beginning the course. The student must test out of the full course (EX: all of English 9 or Government). Testing out takes place in the summer testing out window prior to the start of the course. Students will be notified each year of the testing out window. The student must score at least 78% on the district designated test(s) in order to test out and receive credit. The student may opt to not accept the test out credit and take the course instead. This decision must be made prior to taking courses at a higher level. Testing out only applies to courses not yet taken. Students cannot test out of a course that is a pre-requisite or lower level than a successfully completed course. The testing out score will appear on the transcript along with the credit earned and the graduation requirement met. IMPORTANT NOTE: The testing out score does not translate into a grade and is not part of the GPA calculation. When considering testing out of a course, it is important to consider the following: 1) the effect on their GPA calculation (this may mean NOT including a potentially high grade in the GPA calculation); 2) NCAA requirements: 3) other college admission considerations and 4) the opportunity to enroll in more advanced classes or dual enrollment.