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Monday, Sep 16, 2024

Guest Passes for the school homecoming dance are now available in the main office if you plan to bring a friend to the dance that is not a student of NBHS. These forms are due in the office no later than Wednesday, October 2. 

Concession Stand Help Needed- See Mrs. Wagner if you are interested in helping at Friday’s game. 

Picture retake day-  Picture retakes will be September 26. If you have not yet had your picture taken please plan to get it taken that day. If you want your picture retaken, please bring any photos ordered on that day to turn in. 

Powderpuff Game- Any girls interested in playing in the powderpuff game during homecoming week, permission slips are outside of Mrs. Franklin's room (129).  You must have a signed permission slip turned in to participate in practices.  Please return the signed slips to your class sponsors and sign up outside their classrooms.

Homework Lab- Homework Lab is now open starting today after school.  Homework Lab is located in the media center and will be open from 2:30-3:30 for you to use.

Varsity Soccer- Tonight the Varsity soccer team will play Yale on our home field at 5:00.  Come on out, enjoy a game, and cheer for our home team!